Ruggless Dental

Can a dental bridge be repaired or replaced if it gets damaged?

Dental bridges in Springfield, IL, are prosthetics that stand in when one or two teeth are missing simultaneously (next to one another).

The bridge comprises two custom artificial teeth between dental crowns—one on either end. Your dentist prepares the teeth on either side of your smile gap for crown placement. When the crowns are cemented, the restoration teeth fill your smile gap.

If you damage the crowns or the center bridge, they can be replaced. In some cases, they can also be repaired. First, your dentist in Springfield, IL, must evaluate the prosthetic to see the extent of damage or its current fit.

Often, a broken bridge indicates it’s time for a new one.

Dental Bridge Care

It’s essential to take care of your dental bridge. We recommend using a floss threader or water floss to remove debris from the gumline. This helps prevent gum disease and odor. Additionally, it would be best to clean your bridge and connecting crowns with a special cleaning brush.

Don’t forget to visit the dentist regularly for comprehensive checkups!

Contact Our Dental Office Today

If you’re having issues with your dental bridge or would like to schedule a visit with the dentist, contact a dental team member today.

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